Tuesday, June 06, 2006

98 degrees

And I don't mean the band. It is so hot here today the kids aren't even outside playing. I am staying indoors trying to get some art accomplished. It seems the last few weeks I am just sitting outside looking in the window at someone elses life. I guess that's what happens when you get old. My oldest son, Justin, is back in Italy now. He called this morning to say he is back on the ship. I know he wishes he were still here but is planning on coming home again at Christmas. He and Cindy are hoping to get married then also.

Well I went to the Orthopedic doctor on base to see when I will get my thumb fixed and found out that I have torn the tendon in my thumb. So now I have to go downtown to a hand specialist for the surgery. I will just be glad when it is over because my hand hurts more and more everyday.

Enough for today. I am off to brave the heat and go to the bead store. I need lime green beads to finish a bracelet for a friend. The picture is from the trip to the zoo that Erik and I took on Saturday. I am thinking of using the photo for a Quilt Challenge that Quilting Arts Magazine is having. It is a good issue, I highly recommend it.

1 comment:

KaiBlue said...

Aloha Stacie..
I love the contrast of flamingo's , they are sucha a groovie colour. I love your little goddess art stamped lady, the one in purples!!
Oh and welcome to the shrine swap!!
Peace, Kai.