Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Our little Jada

Well I was another scorcher here in New Mexico. Somewhere in the high 90's, at least we don't have the humidity though. I like the heat but not the humidity. The day was a nice one though, I taught my beading class here on base tonight. I did a crocheted wire and bead bracelet and pendant. The students seemed to like it and most of them finished it. I also finally got over to the Beaded Iris and scheduled some classes for the next few months. I really need to spend some time coming up with some new projects. I have a good following of students so I want to keep them happy. The worst part of new projects is writing the instructions. My least favorite part, it is something I need to work on. I think I will do a separate post tomorrow of all my upcoming classes so anyone local who reads this can come have some fun.

The picture is of Jada, our new little girl. She is an adorable puppy who loves to chew everything. She is pretty cute though. I think she is a keeper.

I think I am getting the hang of this blog deal. Now I just need to figure out how to customize it a bit more. And I need to light a fire under my husband to finish my website so I can have my schedule and workshops online for other to see. Who knows, maybe someone from a fun place will want me to come do a workshop for them. That is my goal, to be a traveling instructor. I can't wait!!

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