Sunday, February 24, 2008


Well here is how my Friday went. I got to Taxi around in an F16. I guess it is one of the perks of hubby being in the Air Force. I tell you it is an awesome thing. We went thru Egress Training first, which is learning how to strap yourself in the plane and then how to get out quickly should there be an emergency and you have to evacuate the plane. Without a ladder mind you. It is one heck of a drop, but we got to practice in the simulators they have for training the pilots. Thank goodness I didn't need to use what I learned. We taxi'd to the runway and pretended to take off. Still went pretty fast though, about 100 to 120 MPH I am told. It was very cool and I had a really nice pilot. The pics are of me in the plane right before they closed the canopy, and me and hubby before I climbed in.


Judy Merrill-Smith said...

Look at you guys! Cool.

NM_Creatrix said...

NEATO!!!!!! Glad that there are some perks!